Welcome back to the Rhythm of War Reread, O my Rosharan Chickens! We’re in another flashback this week, with viewpoints from both sisters. This is the point where Venli, for all her pettiness before, takes the turn to become the person we saw in Words of Radiance… Come on in and join the discussion!
Reminder: We’ll be discussing spoilers for the entirety of the series up until now. If you haven’t read ALL of the published entries of The Stormlight Archive (this includes Edgedancer and Dawnshard as well as the entirety of Rhythm of War), best to wait to join us until you’re done.
In this week’s discussion there are no wider Cosmere mentions, so you’re safe from spoilers.
Heralds: Battah (Battar). Elsecallers. Wise/Careful. Role: Counsellor.
A: Best guess, she’s here for the council Eshonai receives from Dalinar, and that Venli receives—and ignores—from the Stormfather. Any other ideas? Because that feels a bit… stretchy.
P: No, I think that sounds pretty spot on.
Icon: The Sisters (flashback).
Chapter Recap
WHO: Eshonai, Venli
WHEN: Eight and a half years ago (approximately 1166.9)
WHERE: The western edge of the Shattered Plains
(Note: For the “when” notations, we are using this wonderful timeline provided by the folks at The 17th Shard.)
RECAP: Eshonai is still fascinated with the humans, and regrets that they’re leaving so soon. She considers going with them, but ends up in a conversation with Dalinar, in which he seems to understand more than she says, and warns her against trusting Gavilar too much. During the highstorm which follows, Venli goes out with the gemstone she received weeks earlier from Axindweth; before she can break it, she’s taken by the centerbeat, and the Rider of Storms speaks to her. He cautions her on the choice she is about to make for all her people, but she is drawn too much to the idea of power and of getting credit for a discovery. Much to her shock, the broken gemstone releases a bizarrely human-looking little spren dude with an attitude. Meanwhile, back in the stormshelter, Eshonai vacillates between worry about her sister and an awareness that a lot of things would be easier without her. Finally Venli returns, still apparently in workform, but struggling to hear the rhythms… and oddly confident.
Overall Reactions
A: As an overall reflection… Remember back in Words of Radiance, when despite being in a known form (nimbleform) Venli sometimes seemed to know too much, or be aware of things she shouldn’t know? I remember writing at the time that I was convinced she had been working with Odium for a lot longer than we knew. Well, now that’s verified. This chapter is when she went from the selfish, petty, jealous little sister, to the Odium agent scheming to bring the Fused and the Voidforms back to Roshar. Oddly, it makes me a little more sympathetic to her; she was just selfish and petty, as children often are, but it led her into a decision where her will was… twisted, I guess, by forces so much bigger that she had no hope of resisting. Not that she necessarily wanted to resist in the first place, mind you, but once she accepted the spren, there was no chance of ever wanting to resist until much, much later.
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Rhythm of War
P: I’m not sure that her will would have been twisted by Odium if she wasn’t in part amenable to being twisted. Yes, she was selfish and petty, and I think that those traits allowed her to be taken in. Granted she did want to find a form that would cure her mother, but she was just young and naïve enough to believe that it was really a possibility. Of course, we can’t know if things would have turned out differently had she not taken this first step, but it’s still nice to think about what could have been for the listeners.
A: Agreed; she made a choice here, and while we can acknowledge that she didn’t understand all the consequences of that choice, she did ignore the (ambiguous) warning of the Stormfather as well as her own initial distrust of the spren that she released. In the end, she did it because she wanted power and applause—which she got, but at a terrible price.
A: But let’s back up. Eshonai.
Eshonai found the humans endlessly fascinating.
P: I loved her enthusiasm before Gavilar’s assassination. She was so excited about everything. It was sad to see her have to transition to the general who was a party to so much death.
A: SO fascinated, poor girl. They’re… not very gracious, you know? She just wants to know about them, and maybe visit them and see the world, and they won’t tell her anything, or even let her see their maps. The only one who is open with her, oddly enough, is Dalinar. (More on that later.) But I concur: The saddest thing about this storyline is watching this innocent, eager young explorer become the general presiding over the extermination of her people.
Suddenly, everyone had wanted to join her, and she’d led large expeditions. Those had been all song, and no crescendo, unfortunately—the only thing she’d been able to locate was a solitary human outpost to the west.
P: “All song and no crescendo” is a cool saying. And of course everyone wants to go with her. The humans are NEW and EXCITING and not yet trying to kill them.
A: Gorgeous idiom! Funny, though, how listener nature isn’t all that much different from human nature…
She loved the way they walked, the way they talked, even the way they looked at her. Or sometimes didn’t
P: It just breaks my heart to see her so enamored of the humans.
A: ::sniff::
Eshonai moved to slip out of camp, but stopped as she noticed one man standing off from the rest. Dalinar Kholin looked out, eastward, toward the Origin of Storms. Curious, Eshonai walked up to him, noting that he had his Shardblade out. He held it lightly before him, the tip sunken into the stone.
A: I was struck in this chapter by the “foreshadowing” (backshadowing? What is it when the flashback puts a whole different light on events from a previous book?) in this conversation between Eshonai and Dalinar. He’s one of the very few who noticed her, who spoke to her as an individual. Given that he couldn’t remember her name and initially recognized her only as “one of the interpreters” I may be making too much of this, but he seems to be the only one who doesn’t see her as a tool for their own use. Back in Words of Radiance, she seemed to know more about him than was warranted by years of battle, and she seemed to think she could trust him if only she could speak with him. Now we’re seeing that they had a backstory, and I love it.
P: I love it, too. I also wondered how she knew so much about Dalinar and why she wanted to speak with him. It’s nice having this flashback to support her desire to make peace with him. She remembered his warning about his people and felt that he was someone she could trust, if only to entertain thoughts of peace.
Unlike the others, he noticed her approach immediately, turning as she made the slightest scrape on the stones while walking.
P: Yeah, Dalinar can’t be snuck up on. Not our Blackthorn.
A: I keep wondering what the significance is. There’s clearly a deliberate contrast between the humans who don’t notice her (i.e. the guy unstringing the bow) and the one who does (Dalinar, right here)—but why is it important enough to make the point? I don’t really see Dalinar as a proto-Bondsmith at this stage… is he? Or does he have some inherent access to Connection?
P: At that time, he was still the Thrill-seeking, murdering warrior that we saw in his Oathbringer flashbacks. But the man that he would become is still in there. The honorable Dalinar that we met in The Way of Kings just hasn’t been pruned yet, hasn’t allowed that man to emerge fully. But he’s still in there. I think that’s why he recognizes Eshonai as a person and not some freakish version of a parshman.
“Speaking new ways. Thinking new ways. They are same, yes?”
“Yes, perhaps they are.”
“I like new places,” she said. “Because … they are new.” She attuned Irritation. That hadn’t come out as she’d wanted it to; she felt stupid, speaking their language. It was difficult to express anything deep while speaking it, because the rhythms didn’t match the sounds.
“Wise words,” Dalinar said.
A: Eshonai is so baffled by this, and it’s easy to see why—what she said sounds so lame and obvious on the surface. But again, Dalinar is more thoughtful than expected, and he understands what she means at a deeper level. Or maybe it simply means something different to him on a deeper level. Again, though, this scene gives a whole different context to her hopes for an end to the conflict back in WoR; while she always accepted that the humans would want revenge for the assassination of their king, she remembered Dalinar as the only one who understood her. It’s… kind of heartbreaking, you know?
P: It’s incredibly heartbreaking. She had such high hopes for the listeners’ relationship with the humans. And to see Dalinar as the only one who seems to value her as an individual and not a means to an end (like Gavilar sees her/the listeners)… Dalinar, the Blackthorn, the most feared man in Alethkar and possibly in Roshar… For him to be the one who recognizes her and speaks to her as an equal is kind of huge, to be honest.
A: It is, really. In terms of “who is Dalinar, deep down?” this is… yeah. Huge.
“My brother has taken an interest in you,” Dalinar said softly. “This… Well, be more cautious with your invitations, parshwoman. Our attention can be dangerous.”
“I do not understand,” she said. It sounded as if he were warning her against his own.
P: It is surprising to me that Dalinar warns Eshonai in this way. He’s definitely having a reflective moment full of regret… maybe upon finding this pristine society, he doesn’t want to ruin it as he’s ruined so many others.
A: That’s my thought—especially given his comment on being tired of pushing people around and leaving smoldering holes where cities used to be. He’d just as soon leave someone alone for once. The really scary thing is just how dangerous their attention has already become. It’s likely that neither Dalinar nor Eshonai are aware of the gemstone Venli is carrying, but that thing is going to destroy this entire people—all except Venli and Rlain, as far as Venli knows in the main storyline at this point.
P: Definitely not. Dalinar might not care, might not see the significance of such a gemstone. But Eshonai would be cautious and warn Venli against it, as we see her do in Words of Radiance. Which is, of course, guaranteed to make Venli want to do the thing even more. *sigh*
A: Absolutely. If Eshonai warned her against it, she’d merely assume that Eshonai wanted it for herself anyway.
“You are something special, something we’ve never seen before. And I know my brother—I know that look in his eyes, that excitement.
“His interest could benefit you, but it could have an equal cost. … I’d suggest politeness—but care. Do not let him back you into a corner. He will respect you if you stand up for yourselves. And whatever you do, don’t give him any reason to decide he wants what you have.”
A: For context, this is after the Rift and Evi’s death, but well before the trip to the Nightwatcher. I think this interaction gives us a glimpse, though, into the changes that are happening in Dalinar. He’s more thoughtful, more aware of his brother’s faults and ambitions, less trusting of the motives of Gavilar and his companions. He’s less satisfied with the rightness, or even acceptability, of Gavilar’s campaign to rule… whatever it is he wants to rule. It’s not clear that Dalinar is entirely aware of the purposes and means of the shenanigans Gavilar and his cronies are up to. What is very clear is that he doesn’t want to see these (currently) innocent people dragged into said shenanigans; they’re bound to be hurt in the process, and possibly badly. As, indeed, it turns out; Gavilar might die before he can benefit from his schemes, but the whole world will be dragged in, and these listeners will pay a higher price than anyone.
Have I ever said that I despise Gavilar? I do, and more with each book. I can’t wait to see what we learn from him in the Book 5 Prologue, and I fully expect it to confirm every bit of loathing we have developed for him. (Now watch, he’ll come out as the hero. I’d be so mad.)
P: I don’t know which would irritate me more, for Moash to find redemption or for Gavilar to find redemption. I despise him too. I didn’t like him much before the prologue to this book but his treatment of Navani was definitely the last straw for me. My blood was boiling during that scene. Brandon certainly knows how to riot our emotions, doesn’t he?
A: Sure does… (I’ll freely admit, I don’t mind being one of the readers who generally hates the people we’re supposed to hate and loves the ones we’re supposed to love. Even when it’s Ironsides or Cadsuane, if they’re written to have a sympathetic element I can get on board with them. Not Moash or Gavilar, though; I don’t know if Brandon is trying to sneak some sympathy in, but if he is, he’s overwhelming it with the despicable side.)
“His interest could benefit you, but it could have an equal cost. Do not be so quick to share your stormshelter with men you just barely met. Don’t offend, but also don’t be too quick to bend. Any new recruit needs to learn both lessons. In this case, I’d suggest politeness—but care. Do not let him back you into a corner. He will respect you if you stand up for yourselves. And whatever you do, don’t give him any reason to decide he wants what you have.”
Be forceful, stand up for themselves, but don’t offend their king? How did that make any sense? Yet looking at him—listening to his calm but firm voice—she thought she did understand. His intent, as if given to her by a rhythm.
Be careful with us was what he was saying. We are far more dangerous than you think.
P: This is quite the speech for Dalinar, who I envision as usually so quiet and standoffish with others, especially after the Rift. And again, it’s incredible to me that he’s giving her such a specific warning. He knows his brother, and he knows that Gavilar will take what he wants. He also knows that the listeners have no real means of defense against Alethi armies and he’s giving her advice on how to appear as nothing more than a curiosity to Gavilar instead of a resource, or something that he wants to possess and rule.
A: As always, it makes me sad that no one was able to turn Gavilar’s interest away. Everything I see of the listener culture makes me wish they’d never had to be dragged into this.
P: And now… Venli.
Venli felt as if the bright red gemstone would burn its way through her clothing.
P: I think that’s your guilt, Venli. On the one hand, she does think that it will help her mother to find new forms, but on the other hand, she is looking for her own fortune and glory, so that she can outshine her sister for once.
A: Especially when you combine it with her thought about it seeming like everyone should be able to see it. (Reminds me of Macbeth, you know? “Out! Out, damned spot!”) At the same time, this scene, on a rerereread, actually makes me feel more pity for little Venli than I had before.
She’d carried it for weeks, terrified of what might happen.
A: I mean… she did have the sense to be terrified of the possible consequences, despite Axindweth’s assurance of “a path toward saving those you love” and her seemingly idle comments on the power once held by Venli’s people. But once again, her desire to one-up her sister overcomes all other considerations.
P: The very fact that it terrified her shows at least a measure of common sense. But really, to take an unfamiliar gemstone into the storm does show some bravery.
Perhaps it would be best just to give the gemstone to her mother, and let her go try to find the new form. Wasn’t that what this was about?
No, Venli thought, trembling. No. It’s not.
Months spent trying to find new forms had gotten her nowhere—while Eshonai gained more and more acclaim.
A: Question: Is this whole decision just Venli’s inherent selfishness and envy? Or is she being influenced by the spren she’s been carrying around in this gemstone, or another “magical” factor?
My best guess is that it’s her own free decision at this point. Brandon seems to be painting her as childishly selfish, envious, and a physical coward; even in this case, she’s frightened about going out into the storm, even though every listener does it. So I can believe this is just who she is, willing to take a risk as long as it doesn’t seem like it will be painful. Still… I’m curious whether there might be anything else going on.
P: She is afraid of going out into the storm, but I think part of that is not knowing what the gemstone will do. She thinks it will be a new form and her thought about giving it to her mother shows that she thinks it might help her. Of course, it’s a damn good thing she didn’t give it to her mother. I hate to think of what might have happened had she broken that gemstone.
A: Heh. I was just thinking about that. What would the spren have done to Jaxlim? Would she have been able to control him? I mean… probably not, right? And if not, Jaxlim held a much more influential position than Venli.
Months spent trying to find new forms had gotten her nowhere—while Eshonai gained more and more acclaim. Even their mother, who had called her explorations foolish, now spoke of Eshonai with respect. The person who had found the humans. The person who had changed the world.
P: Changed the world, for sure. I wonder if anyone ever blamed Eshonai for the war, considering that she “discovered” the humans. If it did happen, I don’t recall it.
A: I don’t recall it either; I don’t even recall much of Eshonai blaming herself. But that might just be holes in my memory.
P: And this shows that despite what good thoughts she’s had about helping her mother, she makes the decision to go into the storm based on her jealousy of Eshonai. She wants to one up her.
Then silence.
It was so sudden, so unexpected, that she gasped. The rhythms in her mind became as one, a single steady beat.
A: Centerbeat! I love that term, and the way it’s described every time we see it.
There was something in the sky, something like a face made from clouds and natural light. The impression of something vast and unknowable.
YOU WISH TO TAKE THIS STEP? A not-voice said, vibrating through her like a rhythm.
“I…” This was him, the spren of highstorms—the Rider of Storms. The songs called him a traitor.
“My… my people need forms!” she shouted up toward the vast entity.
“You served our enemies!” she called to the sky. “How can I trust what you say?”
P: The Stormfather knows what’s up. He knows what will be brought about by this gemstone that Venli carries. And his question should give her more pause… ESPECIALLY THE CHILD OF ODIUM BIT! …though sadly, it doesn’t .
A: It should. I mean… he could be a little clearer about the danger, you know? But the Stormfather has never been one for straightforward communication, and at this point he had no bond either. He frequently (even in the main timeline) assumes that these mortals know all their own history and the potential consequences of their decisions. (It’s not just Stormfather, obviously; it’s common to the spren, since they are essentially immortal—they don’t seem to comprehend how much information is lost from one generation to the next, much less over the course of centuries.)
Should she take more care?
What greatness was achieved by being careful, though?
P: And there it is. She wants the fortune and glory above all. She cares little for the impact it might have on her people.
A: So true. How much is a child’s lack of comprehension, how much is selfishness, how much is external influence… we don’t have those answers, but it’s pretty clear that she ultimately wants to outdo her sister. “Greatness”—meaning fame, glory, power—is her driving force. She brushes off the suggestion of larger consequences for the sake of her own personal perceived gain.
I need to scout out how things are on old Roshar these days. It’s been a while. You think you can get into Shadesmar, if we need to?
“Sh-Shadesmar?” she asked.
“Yes, we need to get to the storm there. The newer one in the south? Where I entered that gemstone … You have no idea what I’m talking about. Delightful. Right, then. Get ready, we’ve got a lot of work to do.…”
P: It surprises me that Axwindeth gave the gemstone to someone so young and inexperienced. Though she likely saw that ambition in Venli and knew that she wouldn’t be able to help but take the gemstone into the storm.
A: Venli does seem an odd choice in many ways. Then again, Axindweth seems to be playing a long game, and giving the spren to someone who wouldn’t be able to resist the temptation of power might make sense. And Venli, for all her youth and inexperience, is set up to be the next keeper of songs for her family. It’s even possible that Axindweth saw some of Jaxlim’s emerging dementia and decided that the successor would be a good investment.
P: And back to Eshonai…
Eshonai attuned Anxiety as she stood by the mouth of the shelter, searching for her sister.
“She really did it, did she?” Thude asked to amusement as he stepped up beside her, chewing on some fruit. “After all that complaining, she sauntered out to become a mate.”
P: And here we have Eshonai, worried for her little sister, not knowing how much Venli is about to change everything. And despite her own innocence in the initial encounters with the humans, she was part of the downfall of the listeners, as well.
A: She was. And she didn’t take Dalinar’s caution seriously enough until it was far too late. One wonders whether she even passed that caution on to her people’s leaders. If she did, and they ignored her, then… well, she has less responsibility, but that’s not none.
…she supposed she could understand someone wanting to do something different with their life. None of them would exist if their parents hadn’t decided to become mates.
The idea still made her want to attune Anxiety. She disliked how much that form changed the way people thought. She wanted to be herself, with her own desires and passions, not let some form override her.
P: In light of how much stormform will change her, this is a very depressing foreshadowing. I was so sad at the change in Eshonai, and how there was still something of her being stifled and choked by the form. Ugh… feels.
A: She fought so hard to retain her self when she transitioned to warform, and at least she was able to recognize the influence the form had on her. But stormform nearly shut that down. Brutal.
Though a little piece of Eshonai… a part she hated to acknowledge… noted how much easier life would be without Venli around, complaining all the time. Without her jealousy.
P: Ooh, harsh! Some sibling rivalry there, for sure. Even as much as she cares for her sister, she can see what a pain in the ass she is.
A: This was so real. I think it’s good for us to be reminded that Eshonai, too, is very young, and she’s far from perfect. She has her own ambitions and desires, and her little sister is a drag on her freedom to pursue her dreams. She does love Venli, I think, but they’re so different, and Venli is a pain. I suspect many older siblings (sorry, I’m the youngest, so I don’t know) would understand this feeling. Not really hoping that she won’t come back, but at the same time wishing she’d just be quiet and quit being such a pest.
She strode toward the fire, walking with a swagger that seemed even more confident than normal. The high-headed stroll of a femalen who thought that the storms began and ended upon her whims.
P: And there she is, the cocky Venli who would destroy her entire people for attention and acclaim.
A: “Even more confident than normal.” It… kinda makes me sad, but at the same time it’s fitting for her state of mind, that Eshonai doesn’t really notice any more change in Venli than this. A comment that her rhythms are missing, and a momentary notice that she looks more confident, and then… dismissed.
Spren and Shadesmar
The red light turned into a tiny human male, standing with hands on hips, glowing faintly in the storm.
A: I can’t help thinking this visual must have been a real shock to poor little Venli. A human spren?
P: I was surprised by it, too. It made little sense to me. Still does, to be honest.
A: I’m assuming that this particular type of Voidspren appear as they were envisioned by the first ones to encounter the personification of their thoughts—the humans on Ashyn, or at least those recently transferred from Ashyn, seven thousand years ago.
Bruised and Broken
“I have grown tired of pushing people around,” Dalinar said. “In my wake, I’ve left too many smoldering holes where cities used to be.”
P: Dalinar is letting his depression over the Rift and Evi bubble to the surface here, only he’s not drinking to quiet his demons. Instead, he tries to warn Eshonai against becoming complacent where Gavilar is concerned. I feel so strongly for Dalinar at this moment. He’s so damaged; not just by the Rift and Evi’s death, but by all the years of the Thrill helping him leave a trail of death across Alethkar. He needs a Renarin hug right now.
A: It’s so sad to see this Dalinar, knowing what he’s going to go back to in just a short while. As we saw in his flashback sequence, he turned into a drunken sot after the Rift, pulled back from that behavior while on this particular expedition, and then fell back into it on the way home. There were changes, as he started to see his sons differently, but… he was pretty much drunk right up until Gavilar died. It’s good to see this side of him for a little while, though—and it helps us see how he could be the guy who asks for forgiveness.
Venli’s immediate family gathered together in this [stormshelter] to chat and feast, as was their habit during storm days.
A: I love this tradition! Chatting, feasting, listening to the songs, someone occasionally going out into the storm to seek a different form… It’s just cool. Worth noting, obviously, is that at this point they still only have dullform (which no one wants), mateform (which… well, it’s necessary for the continuation of the race, but still not very appealing for many), and workform—which is what most of them are in right now. Venli isn’t even an adult yet—not even by listener standards—and her embarrassment at people thinking she’s going out to find mateform is actually kind of endearing.
P: This is pretty cool, having a storm party. And it is funny that Venli is self-conscious about this. It’s an inkling of the Venli that I didn’t start to like until Oathbringer.
“I should like to sit by the fire,” Venli said, “and warm myself.”
“Venli?” Eshonai said. “Your words … where are their rhythms?”
Venli paused. Then she—as if it were a struggle—began humming to Amusement. It took her a few tries.
P: Definitely a side effect of taking the spren into her gemheart. A strange side effect.
A: It’s not quite clear whether she was speaking to unknown (Odium) rhythms, or a complete absence of rhythms—or whether Eshonai would even realize those aren’t the same thing. Either way, it’s pretty significant.
Sometimes she thought she could read the rhythms in the human motions—like that man with the bow would be attuned to Anxiety.
P: I imagine many humans would be attuned to Anxiety around the listeners.
A: Heh. Probably. Fear of the unknown is very real.
What would it be like to go about all the time without a rhythm in your head? It must be painful. Or lonely. So empty.
P: A great perspective from a listener, who always hears the rhythms. The thought of not having them must seem a very lonely thing to them.
A: It would—just as the thought of always hearing rhythms in your head would seem intrusive to a human. I envy them, though, in a way. It’s such a cool concept.
Humans seemed to not expect much from her people, and were surprised whenever a complex conversation happened. As if they were amused that the listeners were not as dull-minded as parshmen.
P: This really speaks to the arrogance of the Alethi. They find a society of “parshmen” who are obviously intelligent and organized and thriving, and they think them no different than their own slaves.
A: It’s kind of understandable, though. Physically, the similarities are greater than the differences between the listeners and the parshmen, and all the humans have known for a couple thousand years is the parshmen—the slaves who can barely manage a single word, never mind an actual conversation. It would be like… I don’t know, like if you found a herd of cows that learned your language and started talking with you about philosophy. Just… weird, you know?
Brilliant Buttresses
“Spren,” she hissed. “I have summoned you to grant me one of the ancient forms.”
“You?” he asked. “How old are you? Are there any others I could talk to?”
“Show me this secret first,” she said. “Then we will give your form to others. It can heal them, right? This is what I was told.”
He didn’t reply.
“You will not deny me this!” Venli said, though her words were lost in a sudden peal of thunder. “I’ve suffered long to accomplish this goal.”
“Well, you’re certainly dramatic,” the little spren said, tapping his foot.
P: As serious as this moment is, as bad as we know things will get, this did make me laugh. He’s a feisty evil little spren.
A: Indeed! He’s an annoying twerp a lot of the time, not to mention bossy and condescending, but this was hilarious. Accurate, too.
We’ll be leaving further speculation and discussion to you in the comments, so have fun and remember to be respectful of the opinions of others! Next week, we’ll be back with chapter 58, in which Kaladin sneaks around the tower and snitches some spanreeds.
Alice is a Sanderson beta reader and administrator of two fandom Facebook groups. Alice lives in the Pacific Northwest with her husband and two kids, and is profoundly grateful for Paige’s diligence these last weeks. Volleyball can be a time-consuming thing for the entire family. Post-season play FTW!
Paige resides in New Mexico, of course. She works full-time, goes to school full-time, beta reads part-time, mods/admins 3 Stormlight-themed Facebook groups part-time, and writes part-time. She wishes sleep wasn’t necessary because there’s just too storming much to do! Links to her other writing are available in her profile.